Wednesday, March 14, 2007

why people hating on Ultragrrrl????

So, as it is every Tuesday, I found myself reading the latest Village Voice. This weeks cover story is on Ultragrrrl, known to her parents as Sarah Lewitinn, the 20 something dj/ a&r rep/ author / all around NYC star. It discusses her rise and of course, the criticism that followed her. You can read the article yourself here: here....

I adore the cover picture and the title of the article got me thinking, why are people hating this girl? When I first came across her Spin column a few years back and I found myself agreeing with most of this girl’s likes and found her small column simple and engaging. She wasn’t the usual music critic who spoke to its readers like they were idiots and constantly referred to certain artists as geniuses. She seemed to be a fan with a voice, as opposed to a critic, which I was attracted to since that is how I am. I like what I like and I speak my mind about it. I’m not exactly sure how she conducts herself through business or any of that bullshit, but I am pretty sure why people are down on her. It’s all about jealousy, hell, who wouldn’t be? You hear about a girl in her early 20’s who has managed to find a way for her voice to be heard in a industry where business comes first, not interests. In an industry where most people in the deciding positions are men with business degrees, not music composition or performance degrees, she has managed to stand out for various reasons. She has been the focus of numerous “up and coming” features in Vanity Fair and New York magazine, to name a few. She speaks earnestly about what she likes and isn’t afraid to scream about bands that most “hipsters” would find cringe worthy. Granted, I’m not always in agreement with her favorites, but it doesn’t she doesn’t have validity. Music appreciation is so relative that it’s hard to say who’s right and wrong, but it does take an inherent talent to foresee what others would be interested in, and so far this chick has hit that ball out of the park.

What got me mad about the article were the comments regarding her writing and her style. I am sick to death of music industry big wigs and critics telling me how music should be critiqued and what should be appreciated. This is the industry that somehow managed to create careers for people like Ashlee Simpson – who lack talent, creativity and emotion. The insiders get mad at people like Sarah because she follows her heart and ears with music, not the marketing, branding or sales opportunities. She’s what music needs more of – TRUE FANS. I say keep on keeping on....

Here's her blog...check it out for yourself - .

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