Monday, February 05, 2007

Zucker wouldnt be head if Welch was still around...

but lucky for him, Welch retired quite awhile ago. The 41-year-old Jeff Zucker will replace Bob Wright as chief executive of NBC Universal, effective April 1st. After a battle with cancer, the young executive has been able to beat out the gossip that was swirling around tv about his being kicked out! So all of you account executives out there who arent extremely happy with what you are doing at Mr. Zucker....

Hopefully this change can bring a refreshing change to the stalling network. And with superb standouts like "Heroes", "30 Rock", "The Office" and "Studio 60 on the Sunest Strip" we will be seeing alot of quality programming from the network who has been able to sucker people into not changing the dial all night long.

For more, check out the article, here....

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