Wednesday, November 29, 2006

ok so this is going to start out sounding lame...

But as I was watching "One Tree Hill" and by the way for the first time ever....I realized a few things..

One, Tv on the Radio is going to be big big big...This band is one of those great things to come out of New York, Brooklyn respectively, and hopefully will be setting the world on fire...not just critics and hip kids....although, that isnt a bad crowd to hype you up.

Second, I miss playing sports and alot more than I thought I ever would. When the nerdy high school basketball announcer started his jibber jabbering about how sports teams can show people and their moments of greatness, I was forced to agree. There havent been many moments that I have had that have completely overwhelmed me as winning the game after being down 10 points, catching the final strike to win the game or throwing the ball to a player just off the bench. And maybe thats what I have been missing so much the past few years. Or maybe its just the lack of performance and the routine crap I do every day without an audience. I went from dancing and singing to playing sports to sitting on my ass and watching tv. And I m one hundred percent sure I liked the way things used to be and so do my abs.

So how does a girl in her mid 20's get that back in her life without joining the community theater to do a performance of "Cyrano de Bergerac"???? Any ideas, please let me know.....

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